Welcome to Thingadailies: updating daily from February 1 to March 1.

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Day 29: Bad Magic: posted on Feb 29, 4:39 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
It was supposed to be a glowing magic effect, but it turned into a free-for-all with the airbrush. But Thingadailies is now a wrap! (0 likes)

Day 28: Northern Lights: posted on Feb 28, 7:56 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Today's tutorial was on creating northern lights in a night sky. (0 likes)

Day 27: Everything is Better with Glitter: posted on Feb 27, 9:28 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Finishing up with the cat & dragon image. Everything deserves to sparkle! (0 likes)

Day 26: Needs More Dragon: posted on Feb 26, 11:38 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
I was supposed to add a butterfly, but where's the fun in that? Clearly the image needed a dragon! (0 likes)

Day 25: Needs More Fur: posted on Feb 25, 6:05 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
When in doubt, use the smudge tool to make the kitten fuzzier. (0 likes)

Day 24: Time for Something Lighter: posted on Feb 24, 5:18 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Kittens. It's always time for kittens! (0 likes)

Day 24: Let's Finish This: posted on Feb 23, 3:06 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
I got tired of working on an image that was all shadows, so I finished things up. I'm mostly happy with how it turned out. Tomorrow, I'll pick another image to work on that isn't all shades of black. (0 likes)

Day 22: The Wall: posted on Feb 22, 7:36 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
The gate now has a wall on either side. Things are moving along. (0 likes)

Day 21: The Gate: posted on Feb 21, 7:07 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Found a gate, made an arch, added some spooky fog. Things are progressing! (0 likes)

Day 20: Switching Gears: posted on Feb 20, 5:29 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
I begin my attempt to replicate a crappy AI-generated book cover. This ought to be funny. (0 likes)

Day 19: Works for Me!: posted on Feb 19, 5:46 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
I finished the tutorial and declared my image good. Now I have to figure out what to do for the rest of the month... (0 likes)

Play on light and shadow: posted on Feb 19, 10:34 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
Mountainscape in stitches (0 likes)

Jars of yum: posted on Feb 19, 10:33 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
We shall not discuss how many times I misspelled mascarpone when writing this. (0 likes)

A bit of a stretch: posted on Feb 19, 10:13 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
Oh yeah, I also knit. (0 likes)

Just a quickie: posted on Feb 19, 10:04 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
Mmm. Hash. (0 likes)

Savory and sweet: posted on Feb 19, 10:04 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
Baking sisters, but with popcorn and meat! (0 likes)

Day 18: Rock On!: posted on Feb 18, 4:49 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Added some rock steps and then lost my ability to follow directions. (0 likes)

Day 17: Birds!: posted on Feb 17, 9:31 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Just what it says on the label. Now there are birds. (0 likes)

Day 16: Tone Down the Man: posted on Feb 16, 6:35 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Today the man moved into the shadows. Tomorrow, birds! (0 likes)

Day 15: How to Turn a Man's Head: posted on Feb 15, 6:58 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
And I mean that literally. Also, he was brought to face the buffalo. Very exciting stuff. (0 likes)

All wound up: posted on Feb 15, 10:30 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
Making that lemon curd work for me (0 likes)

Wrap: posted on Feb 15, 10:16 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
Beeeeeeeeans (0 likes)

Day 14: He Needs a Bigger Staff: posted on Feb 14, 9:21 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
More painful learning occurred today. Also, I almost refrained from making a bunch of jokes. But not quite. (0 likes)

Day 13: How to Get a Man: posted on Feb 13, 9:05 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Today, we get a man, isolate him, and then chop his arm off. Just in time for Valentine's Day! (0 likes)

Sunlight in a jar: posted on Feb 13, 10:12 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
This won't be the only batch I make, of course. (0 likes)

File under Nope: posted on Feb 13, 10:12 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
I had such high hopes for this one, but... (0 likes)

A spoonful of comfort: posted on Feb 13, 10:11 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
yes, more soup! (0 likes)

Actually, the Bridge Goes Over There: posted on Feb 12, 10:02 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Today was an exercise in fixing things I did yesterday. And then fixing them again. But I'm getting faster at it. (0 likes)

Day 11: Burn the Bridge: posted on Feb 11, 7:15 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Today we added a bridge and handwaved it so it's close to the tutorial. Sure, part of a cliff is occupying the same space, but there's no perfectionism holding me back! (0 likes)

Day 10: Leaf it Alone: posted on Feb 10, 9:40 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
We added leaves to the tree. Definitely a low effort on my part day. (0 likes)

Day 9: A Tree Appears: posted on Feb 9, 4:43 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Today we add a tree to the clifftop. More importantly, I have a foster cat! (0 likes)

Day 8: Sunlight and Shadows: posted on Feb 8, 5:42 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Changing the light on the rocks we added yesterday. Tomorrow, we add a tree! (0 likes)

Day 7: Add the Cliff: posted on Feb 7, 6:50 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Airbrushed a little fog in and then added a cliff. Things are looking good! (0 likes)

Day 6: Let There Be Light: posted on Feb 6, 5:33 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Today, we change the direction of light hitting the forest. How cool is that? Also, a little artistic talent would really help around now. (0 likes)

A pound lightweight: posted on Feb 6, 11:04 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
No sand was actually used in the making of this. (0 likes)

Dark in all the right ways: posted on Feb 6, 10:44 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
Mmm, chocolate bread. (0 likes)

You had me at bacon: posted on Feb 6, 10:41 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
Reason eleventybillion why a crockpot is one of the best appliances ever. (0 likes)

Healthy Start: posted on Feb 6, 10:38 am by Jenipurr (Still Life, With Cats) - 14 entries
It's soup weather (0 likes)

Day 5: Clearing the Fog: posted on Feb 5, 5:12 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Today we bring in a foggy forest. And I try to warp ivy so it sits on the buffalo's head. Standards are slipping. (0 likes)

Day 4: The Jungle Toupee: posted on Feb 4, 3:07 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Quote of the day: "Sure, that's fine." (0 likes)

Day 3: Grassing the Buffalo: posted on Feb 3, 5:31 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
The buffalo now has a bunch of grass on its head. And I learned how to use the clone tool. (0 likes)

Day 2: The Buffalo Strikes Back!: posted on Feb 2, 5:38 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
Honestly, I'm a bit surprised it took this long for things to go off the rails. But I think I have set myself up for day three. (0 likes)

Thank you, mailman: posted on Feb 2, 5:31 pm by bevsykes (Funny the World) - 2 entries
I made cookies for Thank the Mailman day and made a card to go along with them. (1 like)

3x5 cards: posted on Feb 1, 6:53 pm by bevsykes (Funny the World) - 2 entries
I've been decorating 3x5 cards, based on a YouTube video I saw. Having such fun! (1 like)

Thingadailies Begins!: posted on Feb 1, 5:59 pm by nebulopathy (Nebulopathy) - 29 entries
This year, I'm following along on a Photoshop tutorial/speedrun. Come along on my journey as I pretend to know what I'm doing. It will be funny. (0 likes)




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