Prompts Return (Published: Thursday, December 6th, 2018)
Second from the bottom in the main box on the right of the screen is a link that reads, "Random Prompt". If you're feeling uninspired or just want to take a chance, click on that to be given a random prompt to write about on your blog.
Bug Fixed and a New Feature! (Published: Saturday, December 3rd, 2016)

The code monkey has fixed the bug that was showing up whenever a user posted an entry to Holidailies, often resulting in duplicate entries.

Also, it is now possible to reset your password in case you have forgotten it! Hooray!

Bug Notification (Published: Friday, December 2nd, 2016)

There is a bug which causes an error message when you click on "Submit" on the "Post Entry" page. The code monkey is aware of this bug and is working on a fix. Meanwhile, know that even if you do get that error message when you post, your entry is being posted. You can verify by going to your profile page and seeing which entries have been posted.

Happy Holidailies!

Holidailies Begins! (Published: Thursday, December 1st, 2016)

Happy Holidailies! We're now open for your daily blogging needs. Please feel free to submit feedback to us via the link above, or on our Facebook page. Thanks!

Feedback requested (Published: Wednesday, December 30th, 2015)

As you know, Holidailies has gone through some changes this year, and as we continue to update the site, we're looking for feedback from you! Please visit the link above to fill out a form that will send us your ideas and suggestions for future improvements.

Note that you must be logged in in order to fill out the form.


Feedback requested (Published: Wednesday, December 30th, 2015)

As you know, Holidailies has gone through some changes this year, and as we continue to update the site, we're looking for feedback from you! Please visit the link above to fill out a form that will send us your ideas and suggestions for future improvements.

Note that you must be logged in in order to fill out the form.


Updates for 12/07 (Published: Monday, December 7th, 2015)

A couple of new features have been added, and some cleaning up has been done.

First, the "Participants" list has been cleaned up a bit. The user bio's have been removed. But you can now view a user's complete public information, including their bio, by clicking on their Display Name on the main page or on the Participants page.

Second, we've added the ability to edit your posts. Click on "My Profile" in the menu on the right, and you will be able to edit everything about your account, including all of your entries, from there.

We're continuing to work on the Holidailies site to make it easier and more fun for our users. As always, if you have any ideas for improvement or if you run into any bugs, please don't hesitate to let us know by using the form at the top of the site (if you're logged in; if you can't log in, you can let us know via the FB page).

New Features! (Published: Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015)
You can now add a "Display Name" to your profile, and it will show up on the participants list and on the entries list. It defaults to your username, but you can change it at any time. Also, you can now get a random prompt (by clicking on "Random Prompt"). Some of these prompts are holiday-specific, some are not. Finally, are you missing the badges for your blog? You can download a zip file containing all three of them, and choose which one you'd like to use on your own blog!
Holidailies Update (Published: Sunday, November 29th, 2015)
We've changed the way the participants list views and sorts - only your User name now is visible to the public
Holidailies 2015 in Beta Mode (Published: Saturday, November 28th, 2015)
Holidailies 2015 is still in beta mode as we work out the kinks, the tangles, the errors, and all that. When you're logged in, you'll see a link across the top of the page inviting you to add feature requests and issues you're having with the site. Enjoy Holidailies!


Prompts Return
The Random Prompt Link

Random Prompt

Random Prompt